UPSC exam is divided in three different stages. First the candidate have to give Prelims and Mains examinations.
After qualifying prelims and mains candidate have to give an Interview which is also known as Personality test. The total marks of the Interview is 275. Candidates are selected on the basis of marks obtained in Mains and Interview. So the Interview is consider very important for a UPSC aspirant.
In UPSC Interview, interview panel is consists of 5 members among them one is Board chairman. The interview is conducted to test the pesonality and temperament of a Candidate.
The interview has no fixed format or pattern. At the starting of the interview questions are generally asked based on candidate’s DAF( Detailed Application form) like Education, hobbies, work , culture, interests of the candidate . Current affairs are also asked in the interview. The interviewers generally check whether the candidate have the traits and qualities to be a good Officer. They check how the candidate response to a particular problem and ask opinions regarding any political and religious issues. They check honesty , trustworthy and whether candidate have any religious or culture baises. .
So here are some important points which one should keep in their mind before appearing in the UPSC interview:
These are some common questions that can asked ,you have to find out the answers by yourself. :
1-Why you want to join civil services ?
2-What changes would you like to bring after becoming a IAS/IPS/IFS/IRS Officer ?
3-Convincing reason behind the selection of a particular optional subject.
4-Which service you want to select and why?